Friday, June 3, 2016

Week 99: Another Amazing Week in Chelmsford!

May 23, 2016

This has been another amazing week in Chelmsford! The weather has been
great and our investigators are slowly progressing! Some of them are
on date for the weekend of June 11, so hopefully we'll see a few
baptisms before the end of the transfer!

We had a good lesson with an investigator named Rica on Tuesday! We
brought a different member with us this time, and he got on really
well with her. She opened up and asked us two really big questions:
(1) "what is the difference between the Book of Mormon and the Bible?"
and (2) "what is the purpose of life?". We focused on the first
question and taught her about the Restoration, which she enjoyed! Her
husband is Scottish, and the member we brought with us served his
mission in Scotland, so he's excited to meet her husband next time we
see her! Sometimes it's awkward asking members you've never taught
with before to come teaching with you, but I learned that you should
still do it - you never know if they'll be the perfect fellowshipper
for the investigator!

Scott and Lisa are doing well this week! We've taught them a few times
this week, and it's been going pretty well, but there have been loads
of distractions. Be sure to eliminate as many distractions as possible
while you teach, otherwise teaching will be extreme difficult! Scott's
enjoying coming to church, reading, and praying, so that's been great!
He's made some good friends with the youth in the ward, and that's
made a big difference for him too. It's only a few weeks till his
baptism now, so we're pretty excited for him!

Tina's also been doing well, we're just trying to get good, solid,
regular return appointments with her right now. Our visits keep
getting cancelled because of various things - make sure to schedule
wisely! We set her back on date for June 11 on Tuesday, and she
accepted our invitation with an immediate "yes!" We're excited for her

We received a specialized training on Thursday, and it was really
good! We learned about how everything in The Restoration lesson we
teach should center on and point towards the First Vision. We also
focused on the importance of the Book of Mormon and helping our
friends read from it regularly. At the end of the trainings, I was
interviewed and received my temple recommend! I'll be attending the
London Temple this Saturday with the ward - I'm so so excited!!

I went on an exchange with Elder Chu on Friday, and it went great! It
was awesome to be serving with a former companion again!

We had an awesome day on Sunday! We got called in to teach gospel
principles at the last minute, only 5 in attendance including us, but
it still went pretty well. Because Tina was one of those 5, we were
able to really focus it in on her, so it was great! We also had a
Missionary Fireside in the evening, and we were able to help one of
the less-active members we're teaching, Brother Holden, to come, and
he loved it!

Thanks for reading! Hope everybody's had an amazing week!

Elder McOmber

Funnies of the Week

Damon, a 5 year old boy, told us in one of our dinner appointments
this week: "I would never honk at anybody! I would roll down the
window and shout at them!"

Just finished training with President Stevens - 
we are both wearing our new suits!

Below is the first haircut on my mission - given by Irene
And the next picture is my LAST haircut on my mission - given by Irene!!

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