Thursday, June 9, 2016

Week 101: Last Letter!

May 6, 2016

Wow! It has been another crazy crazy week here in Chelmsford!! There's been so much to do that each day has pretty much filled up to the brim before we sit down to plan the day! We pretty much have this week mapped out with what we'll be doing, so we're looking forward to making it the best week EVER!

On Tuesday this week, we went on an exchange with the Maldon elders, and it went pretty well! We set up loads of teaching appointments for that day, 6 to be exact, but almost all of them fell through! But we still made it work! I went with Elder Lindsay and taught Scott's family and then we went and taught Tina. Unfortunately, because we haven't been able to teach them frequently or consistently the past few weeks, neither of them is ready for baptism on June 11, so we had to push their baptismal dates all the way back to July 2. We thought they would still be ready in time for late June, but they wanted to push it to July. I won't be there for either of their baptisms, but I'm so grateful for the opportunity I've had to find and teach them! I'm so excited to get the pictures from their baptisms on July 2! We'll be taking both Scott and Tina to a baptism this Saturday, so we're excited to see how they like it!

On Wednesday, we had a miracle! A few weeks back, we went to a less-active's home to try to contact them. Many members try to get in contact with them, but this family is so busy that almost nobody can even talk with them. This day that we knocked on their door though, the father answered the door! He said he was right about to walk to his son's school to pick him up, so he invited us to walk with him. We got to know him a little bit better, and then we ran into his wife and his son walking back to the house, so we got to talk with them too! We set up a return appointment for this past Wednesday, which is when we went to see them! His wife wasn't home, but he was there with his 9-year-old son, so that was good! We talked with him for a while about how he joined the Church back in South Africa, and then we shared a very brief lesson about the Restoration. We stacked plastic cups with little labels ("Apostles", "Prophets", "Jesus Christ", "Revelation", etc.) to demonstrate how Jesus Christ's Church was built. As we read from Ephesians 2:19-20 with him, his eyes lit up and he smiled. He told us that he loved these verses because there's a famous song back in South Africa that talks about what Christ's church is built upon. We could feel the Spirit so strongly in that lesson! I'm so grateful for our Heavenly Father and the guidance He gives us! He truly will help us to say and do the right things to help us accomplish his work!

We had our Zone Training Meeting on Saturday, and it went really well! We have some really good DLC goals that will really help us this month! There were some really good trainings today as well, so we're excited to apply them. It was really good but really weird to give my farewell testimony in that meeting.

We had a miracle on Sunday too! A family that the Maldon elders referred to us came to church and had a pretty good time! Their names were Dan (the son) and Dee (the mother). The mother had some big, persistent concerns about Joseph Smith, but Dan was more willing to listen. My favorite part of the lesson we had with them before church was his response to our invitation to him to read and pray about the Book of Mormon: "Ok, I'll do it. I know God will lead me in the right direction, so tonight I'll go home and read and pray about the Book of Mormon." Miracle!! They came to some of the fast and testimony meeting, but they eventually had to go. We're excited to follow up and see how reading and praying about the Book of Mormon is going!

That's just about everything for this week! Hope everybody had an amazing week! I don't know if I'll be writing another letter, so if not, thanks everyone for reading! See you soon!

Elder McOmber

Funnies of the Week: 

We had dinner with Bishop's family yesterday, and his little 3-year-old girl kept repeating, "Pink to make the boys wink!" Apparently her Primary teacher taught that to her class at church.

The Chelmsford sisters are teaching someone really good right now, and his name is Paul. On Saturday, I gave him a baptismal interview, thinking it would take 15 minutes and then we'd be on our way to our appointment afterwards. An hour and 15 minutes later, we left the church. Still learning.

Dinner with Bishop Schwartz's family

Last Zone Conference!

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